
Training on Value Added Fish Products Conducted


Shri C.K. Vinod inaugurating the programme

Under the Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (MGMG) Programme, a training on “Value added fish products” was held for 45 farmers of the Jalakanyaka Club of Cherpu Grama Panchayat, Thrissur on 10 January, 2018. The programme began with a brief inaugural function in which Smt. C.R. Lisha, Project Co-ordinator, Department of Fisheries, Thrissur welcomed the participants. Smt. Sujisha Kalliath, Vice President, Cherpu Panchayat presided over the function. Shri C.K. Vinod, President, Cherpu Grama Panchayat inaugurated the programme. Dr. Nikita Gopal, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CIFT, Cochin and Group Leader for the MGMG team, gave a brief overview of the training. Shri Ramakrishnan, Fisheries Coordinator, Cherpu Panchayat proposed vote of thanks. The other members from ICAR-CIFT included Dr. P. Muhamed Ashraf, Principal Scientist, Smt. S.J. Laly and Dr. K. Elavarasan, Scientists, Shri Nobi Varghese and Shri K. Prabhu, Technical Assistants. The inaugural session as followed by the training in which four products; fish cutlets, fish balls, fish fingers and breaded shrimp were demonstrated. There was a feedback session after the training programme in which participants cleared doubts and they were also given information on the prospects of value addition as well as on the possibilities of technologies from the Institute.

Smt. S.J. Laly speaking on the occasion. On the dais are Dr. K. Elavarasan, Shri Nobi Varghese,
Dr. P.  Muhamed Ashraf and Dr. Nikita Gopal

Practical session in progress


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