A Workshop on ‘Valuation and Pricing of Agricultural Technologies’ was organised by AgrInnovate India, ICAR on 26th December, 2013 at NASC, New Delhi. The Wworkshop was aimed at taking stock of guidelines and methodologies being followed in ICAR and other departments, and also to identify parameters and criteria for development of guidelines and methodology for valuation and pricing of agricultural technologies. ICAR has identified six task groups for development of guidelines in the following areas; Seed and Planting Material, Plant Protection Methods and Bio-formulations, Food Processing and Post-Harvest Management, Animal Diagnostics and Vaccines, Farm Machinery and Equipment, and Poultry Breeds, Fish Strains and Fish Gadgets.
The ZTM-BPD Unit, CIFT was entrusted with the duty to lead the group ‘Poultry Breeds, Fish Strains and Fish Gadgets’, and to develop guidelines and methodologies for valuation and pricing of all kinds of technologies and material of IP value in this sector.Dr.C.N.Ravishankar, HOD, Fish Processing and PI, ZTM-BPDU attended the Workshop and gave a lead talk on ‘Tools and techniques for valuation andpricing of technologies’. He was also the Rapporteaur for the session ‘Aspects and parameters to be considered for valuation and pricing, market research and foresight for agricultural technologies’.
Dr.Ravishankar making the presentation
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