
The Best Exhibitor Award in 10th NutraIndia Summit-2015


International Society for Nutraceuticals, Nutritionals and Naturals (ISNNaN) jointly with MM Activ and Sci Tech Communications organized  two days programme on “Nutra India Summit-2015” during 18-19 March, 2015 at Mumbai.


Dr. L. Narasimha Murthy, Senior Scientist & Scientist In-Charge and his colleagues  of  Mumbai Research Centre of ICAR-CIFT actively participated in the conference and displayed the products and technologies developed by the Institute in the exhibition stall with the help of Business Planning and Development Unit, ICAR-CIFT, Cochin. It included Chitin, Chitosan, Glucosamine hydrochloride, Chitosan sponge, Calcium capsules, Hydroxyappatite, Collagen peptide, Succinyl chitosan hand sanitizer, ready to eat fish curry in retort pouch, extruded snacks, fish feed etc. Further, a detailed information regarding the technologies were displayed as posters. The exhibition was formally inaugurated by Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, FRS, President, Global Research Alliance. Dignitaries from national and internationals organizations, many  private entrepreneurs, medical professional, scientists, students and academicians from national and international Institutes visited ICAR-CIFT stall.


International Advisory Council conferred upon ICAR-CIFT the award for The Best Exhibitor in the category of Content and InformationThis Award was instituted by ISNNaN to recognize the achievement of Institute/Industry for their performance excellence. The award was presented to ICAR-CIFT by Dr. Pingfan Rao, Governing Council Member, International Union of Food Science and Technology and Director, Institute of Biotechnology, Fuzhou University, China  in the presence of Dr. V. Prakash, Distinguished Scientist of CSIR & Chairman, 10thNutra India Summit, 2015.


Dr. R.A. Mashelkar inaugurating the exhibition



                    Dignitaries visiting ICAR-CIFT stall                                           Certificate of appreciation



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