ICAR-CIFT, Cochin and its Mumbai Research Center are working on a Consultancy Project, with Mumbai Port Authority on Methodology to Eradicate Foul Smell in Sassoon Dock and to Suggest Fish Waste Processing Technology. The project became operational in May 2023. A Mega-awareness program on ‘Hygienic Handling of Fish and Shellfish’ was jointly organized by Mumbai Research Centre, ICAR-CIFT, Vashi and Mumbai Port Authority (MbPA), Colaba in the afternoon on 9th November 2023 at the Auditorium, Fishery Survey of India (FSI), Colaba.
Details of programme:
Date: 9th November 2023
Venue: Auditorium, Fishery Survey of India (FSI), Colaba
Organizers: 1. Mumbai Research Centre, ICAR-CIFT, Vashi and
2. Mumbai Port Authority (MbPA), Colaba
President: Director Dr. George Ninan Director, ICAR CIFT.
Chief guest: Shri. Rajiv Jalota IAS, Chairman MbPA
Guests of honour: 1. Dr. Atul Patne IAS, Commissioner of Fisheries,
2. Shri. Makarand Suresh Narvekar Municipal Corporator, Mumbai
3. Mrs. Harshita Narvekar Municipal Corporator, Mumbai
Participants: 150 stakeholders
The programme was inaugurated with the lighting of the traditional lamp by the dignitaries, the Chief Guest, Shri. Rajiv Jalota IAS, Chairman MbPA and the Guests of Honour, Dr. Atul Patne IAS, Commissioner, Department of Fisheries, Maharashtra, Shri. Makarand Suresh Narvekar Municipal Corporator, Mumbai, Harshita Narvekar Municipal Corporator, Mumbai, Dr. George Ninan, Director, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Cochin and Dr. Asha K K, Scientist in Charge & Principal Scientist, Mumbai Research Center, ICAR-CIFT. This was followed by the State Song of Maharashtra. Dr. K. K., Asha welcomed all the dignitaries and participants and briefed them about ICAR-CIFT, its mandates, research centers and the role of Mumbai Research Centre in the consultancy project with MbPA.
Dr. George Ninan presided over the meeting, delivered the presidential address and spoke about the consultancy project with Mumbai Port Authority to eradicate foul smell in Sassoon Dock and to suggest fish waste processing technology. He urged the importance of all concerned agencies to join hands to bring about the much-needed change in the iconic Sassoon Docks.
Shri. Rajiv Jalota IAS, Chairman, MbPA and the Chief Guest of the function addressed the participants and during his speech he appreciated the work carried out by ICAR-CIFT towards developing advisories and suggesting methodologies to eradicate foul smell in the Sassoon Docks He assured the efforts wouldn’t go in vain and that MbPA is looking forward to implement the suggestions put forth by ICAR-CIFT. He discussed about safe fish handling, waste processing, waste reduction, avoiding degradation etc. He also expressed his willingness to extend fullest possible support to ICAR-CIFT to address the issue of the prevailing bad odor and that he was looking forward to making Sassoon Dock a world class fishing harbor of India.
Guest of Honor, Dr. Atul Patne IAS, Commissioner, Department of Fisheries, Maharashtra explained the need and importance of hygienic handling of seafood and seafood waste for better serving the customers. He advised peeling workers to be healthy and keeping others healthy. He also expressed his willingness to extend support of Commissioner of Fisheries office, Maharashtra to curb unhygienic practices at Sassoon dock landing center. He urged the participating peeling workers that the users of their product look up to them for a safe and clean product for consumption. He also suggested that his Office could work on arranging a visit of selected stakeholders to preprocessing facilities and harbors in Cochin.
Guest of Honor, Shri. Makarand Suresh Narvekar Municipal Corporator, Mumbai suggested that Mumbai Port Authority and other fishery organizations should work together to address the problems prevailing in the Sassoon Docks. He suggested that facilities for hygienic handling of fish and shellfish should be provided free of cost by the concerning agencies so that the unhygienic condition at the Dock could be improved.
Shri. Praveen, Chairman, Seafood Supplier Association, Mumbai discussed the problems faced by the peeling workers and their requirements in terms of facilities for improving their working conditions and financial status. He suggested urgent attention to the renovation of existing drainage system at the Docks and requested to make the peeling sheds free of charge for the peeling workers.
Mrs. Priyanka Nakhawa, Senior Technical Assistant, MRC, ICAR-CIFT presented technical report of the consultancy project, MbPA -‘Methodology to eradicate foul smell in Sassoon Dock and to suggest fish waste processing technology’ in Hindi for the benefit of the audience that included observations of baseline survey of the conditions currently prevalent in the Sassoon Dock area, methodology adopted for the study of microbiological and biochemical indicators of spoilage in shrimp, shrimp peel and the peeled product, results of analysis and suggestions and advisories to solve the problem. Presentation was followed by a short video presentation by ICAR-CIFT, Cochin on ‘Ideal pre-processing facilities at Cochin, Kerala’.
The Director, ICAR-CIFT honored the guests as a token of gratitude for their gracious presence at the program. This was followed by distribution of inputs used in seafood pre-processing like plastic crates, apron, head gear, mask, hand gloves among the peeling workers by the Chief Guest and other dignitaries. Around 110 participants got benefited through the inputs. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Abhay Kumar, Scientist, MRC, ICAR CIFT which was followed by the National Anthem.
Overall the programme was deemed successful with participation of 150 stakeholders including Pre-processing workers (Sassoon dock), Representatives from Mumbai Port Authority, State Department of Fisheries, Maharashtra, MPEDA, Mumbai, NETFISH, MPEDA, Fishery Survey of India, Mumbai, Seafood Exporters Association of India, Export Inspection Agency, MFDC, Fishermen Co-operative Societies, Peeling Shed Owners and Supervisors (Sassoon Dock), Seafood Industry, ICAR-CMFRI, ICAR-CIFT, Media and general public.
Page Last Updated on 2023-12-18
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