Prof. Ram Rajasekharan, Director, CFTRI, CSIR, Mysore inaugurated the National Science Day celebrations at Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin on 28th February, 2014 and gave a lead talk on “Applaud-Aquatic Biofunctionals”. He spoke on the importance of healthy oils containing omega-3 fatty acids. He stressed the importance of marine fish oil and how it helps in preventing heart diseases and related problems. He was suggesting mechanisms of producing omega-3 fatty acids in plant oils for the benefit of vegetarians. He explained how the production of plant oils having omega-3 fatty acids can be increased by cultivating the plants giving chia oil, flax seed oil and osimum oil. In the diet omega-3/omega-6 ratio of oil used has to be confirmed for healthy usage of oil. The importance of nutraceuticals in the days to come will be remarkable, whether it is of fish or vegetable origin – he concluded.
On the dias are Dr. Suseela Mathew, Prof. Ram Rajasekharan delivering the talk
Dr. T.K. Srinivasa Gopal and Prof. Ram Rajasekharan
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