ICAR-CIFT refrigeration enabled mobile fish vending kiosk at Pavankulangara Jn, Puthiyakavu, Tripunithra
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology hasdevelopedarefrigeration enabled mobilefish vending kiosk toimprove the unhygienic handling and marketing practices of fisher folk, small scale vendors and retailers. The main components of the kiosk are chilled storage cum display facility, hand operated descaling machine, fish dressing deck with wash basin, water tank, waste collection chamber and working space.In this unit, consumer can see the fishes directly through transparent glass cover and select according to their choice of purchase.Additionally, the kiosk has provision for descaling, cutting, cleaning, and packing operations.Under ideal operating conditions, the unit can extend the shelf life of fish for 4 to 5 days and increases marginal benefit to fish vendors. Thefabrication cost of the kioskcomes around Rs. 80000/-including GSTwhich is affordable to small scale and retail fish vendors for investment on the modern kiosk.The kiosk was launched by ICAR-CIFT at Sha Cold Storage and Fish Centre at Pavankulangara Jn, Puthiyakavu, Tripunithraon 02.01.2017. The kiosk was inaugurated by Smt. Chandrikadevi, Municipal Chairperson, Tripunithra, Ernakulam in the presence of Dr. Ravishankar C.N, Director, Dr Manoj P Samuel, HOD, Engineering and other staff members of ICAR-CIFT, Cochin.