
International Day of Yoga Celebrations 2019


ICAR-  CIFT celebrated the International Day of Yoga 2019 at its headquarters in Cochin and research centers at Veravel, Visakhapatnam and Mumbai.


The yoga celebrations at the ICAR-CIFT headquarters commenced on the 19th June 2019

Talk on “Importance of Yoga in our daily lives”




A lecture cum demonstration by Smt. Girija B Nair, Founder, Prajapathi Yoga and Therapy Institute. Kadavanthara, Kochi. Was held on the 19th June at 2.30 pm.  Dr. Bindu, J. Nodal Officer, welcomed the gathering. Dr. C.N. Ravishankar, Director ICAR-CIFT presided over the function and delivered the presidential address. The guest of the day Smt. Girija B. Nair isa renownedYoga therapist and dietician whohas now completed 39 years as a Yoga teacher imparting this great skill to more than one and a half lakh people. Her two-hour session at the institute consisted of a lecture, demonstration of different asana and pranayama for the benefit of the staff.


Common Yoga Protocol


The celebrations of the IDY at the headquarters started in the morning. The asanas and other exercises as mentioned in the Common Yoga Protocol was done by the staff in the early morning at the A. N. Bose auditorium at ICAR-CIFT. Mr. Unni Kumar Chandran, Yoga Master, Sanskrit Yoga Centre, Kochi guided the staff and lead the session.  The session lasted for about one hour.

Yoga Dance

A yoga dance was performed based on a popular song of Bollywood. All the steps in the song was based on different asanas and surya namaskar and was performed by the lady staff of the Institute on the 21st June. The dance lasted about 8 minutes and was choreographed by Mr. Sruthin, Thomas K.S. Fitlife, Fort Kochi.


ICAR- Veraval RC of CIFT celebrated Yoga Day on 20 and 21st June, 2019. On 20th the, celebration was officially inaugurated by Dr. Toms C Joseph, Scientist In-Charge of the Centre and he narrated the importance of yoga in the modern stressful life. Dr. Prajith K. K, Nodal Officer for the celebration briefed the background, origin of the International Yoga day and the action plan. Dr. Ashish Kumar Jha, Smt.Renuka V and Dr. S Remya, Scientists offered felicitations for the program. After that a short video session on yoga was arranged.  “Yoga- Harmony with nature” Produced by Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India, a film on previous year yoga activities of VRC of ICAR-CIFT was presented. All the staff of the Centre attended the show.  

On 21st June, a theory and Practical session on yoga was arranged. Sri. Thakar Abhay Kumar M, (M.A Yoga) Shree Somanth Sanskrit University, Veraval was the resource person for the session. He started the session with the origin of yoga and covered importance, health benefits, types of yoga, major subdivisions etc. The practical session was  arranged at ICAR Veraval RC of CIFT Campus.  Before starting the practical session, Scientist In-Charge addressed the gathering. Sri. Thakar Abhay started his session with Shanthi mantra, he followed the Common Yoga Protocol by AYUSH. He demonstrated basic asanas and different Pranayam techniques. The session lasted for more than one and half hours. After the session Scientist In-charge presented a memento to Sri. Thakar Abhay. Dr. Prajith K K, Nodal Officer for Yoga day celebrations proposed the vote of thanks.



The Fifth International Yoga Day, 2019 was celebrated at ICAR- MRC of CIFT on 21st June, Smt. Sujatakishan and Shri. Madhu Nair Yoga trainers were the guests for the day . The programme started with chanting of Om and a short prayer. Smt. Sujatakishan  briefed the staff about the importance of yoga and its many benefits. Shri. Madhu Nair demonstrated different yoga asanas and techniques . Smt. Sujatakishan explained all the steps along with its uses, do and donts’. She helped the participants in performing all the steps. Scientists, regular and contract Staffs of MRC-CIFT actively participated in the programme. The festival of International Yoga Day celebration was continue by speech from Bramhakumari Shubhangi. She briefed about their work activities and their involvement in all government and non-government organization for good health and mind. She explained about use of meditation and its importance in present day. She explained about unstable and upset mental situation of everyone due to many causes and also gave remedy for all the problem is meditation. She made all the participants to perform a short meditation and to see the effect on human body and mind. An essay writing competition was also organized in afternoon 3.15pm towards celebration of Yoga Day. Scientist, Technical, supporting and contract staff participated in the competition.



ICAR-CIFT, Visakhapatnam Research Centre celebrated Fifth International Day of Yoga by organizing a yoga session of 1.5 h at ICAR-CIFT in the forenoon on 21.06.2019.  Dr. R. Raghu Prakash, Scientist in Charge, ICAR-CIFT stressed the importance of Yoga and its benefits for health and wellness. All the staff participated enthusiastically. Yoga instructors, Mr. Deepak B. and Mr. Satyanarayana, certified Yoga trainers from Yoga village, Andhra University started the yoga session with a prayer followed by the demonstration of yoga asanas as per the common Yoga protocol. Mr. Deepak also detailed the significance of practicing Yoga daily for a better health. On this occasion, a booklet on Yoga was released by Dr. Subhadweep Ghosh, Scientist in Charge, ICAR-CMFRI and Dr. R. Raghu Prakash, Scientist in Charge, ICAR-CIFT along with the Yoga trainers. The yoga booklet was distributed to all the staff of the Research centre.


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