
Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav


ICAR-CIFT distributes fish driers to fisherwomen under ‘Mera Gaon, Mera Gaurav’ programme

Dr. C.N. Ravishankar inaugurating the programme (Also seen (L to R): Dr. J. Bindu, Dr. Manoj P. Samuel, Smt. Razia Jamal, Dr. Nikita Gopal and Smt. Sonia George

The ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (ICAR-CIFT), Cochin in collaboration with Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) distributed driers to fisherwomen members of SEWA in a formal function held at Elamkunnappuzha, Ernakulam district on 8 August, 2017. Three fish driers were handed over to SEWA under a formal MoA signed by ICAR-CIFT and SEWA. The distribution of the driers as part of ‘Mera Gaon, Mera Gaurav’ programme was  inaugurated by Dr. C.N. Ravishankar, Director, ICAR-CIFT in the presence of Smt. Razia Jamal, Vice President, Elamkunnappuzha Panchayath. Smt. Sonia George, National Secretary, SEWA welcomed the gathering and briefed about the activities of SEWA. Dr. C.N. Ravishankar in his inaugural address emphasized that technologies from ICAR-CIFT can be utilized for employment and income generation of fisherwomen and since SEWA is an organization of economically backward, self employed women workers, who earn their living through their own labour or small businesses, the distribution of driers of 15 kg capacity to three fisherwomen group of eight members was a step in equipping them to enhance their income by assisting them to make quality dried products. In her felicitation address, Smt. Razia Jamal mentioned that this is the first time any such venture is being undertaken in her Panchayath, which is one of the most thickly populated ones and wished the venture all success. Dr. Nikita Gopal, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CIFT and Coordinator of the programme spoke on the association that ICAR-CIFT has had with organizations like SEWA and stressed on the need to maintain the intra-group cooperation for the success of the enterprise. Dr. J. Bindu, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CIFT explained the importance of quality aspects and importance of safe dried products for sale in the markets. Dr. Manoj P. Samuel, Head, Engineering Division, ICAR-CIDT spoke on the technical aspects of the drier and its applications in other areas too. A demonstration of the operation of the drier and drying of prawns was followed which was coordinated by Dr. J. Bindu with the assistance of Dr. S. Murali and Dr. D.S. Aniesrani Delfiya, Scientists, ICAR-CIFT. The operation of the drier, installation of the blower, quality details of fish and prawns, handling and laying of prawns on trays prior to drying etc. were explained.The beneficiaries of the programme were long standing members of SEWA who have been engaged in traditional fish and prawn drying and are traditional fisherfolk. A total of 50 members from different units of SEWA in Ernakulam attended the function.

Dr. C.N. Ravishankar doing the ceremonial inauguration of the drier

MERA GAON MERA GAURAV PROJECT LAUNCHING PROGRAMME at Maravanthuruthu Panchayath Samskarika Nilayam

The ‘Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav’scheme is a programme conceptualized byICAR for scientists to “select villages as per their convenience and remain in touch with the selected villages and provide information to the farmers on technical and other related aspects in a time frame through personal visits or on telephone”.The project launching by ICAR-CIFT was held at 2.30 pm on Tuesday 11 July 2017 at Maravanthuruthu Panchayath Samskarika Nilayam. Dr. C.N. Ravishankar, Director, CIFT and Shri. Harikuttan,President of Maravanthuruthu panchayat were the chief guests of the inaugural session. Welcome address was given by Smt. Rachael Sophia, Agricultural officer, Maravanthuruthu. Abrief introduction about MGMG programme was delivered by Dr. Nikita Gopal, Principal Scientist & Coordinator, MGMG, ICAR – CIFT, Kochi. Presidential address was delivered by Shri. Harikuttan, President, Maravanthuruthu Panchayath. Inaugural address was delivered by Dr. C.N. Ravishankar, Director, ICAR- CIFT, Kochi. After that felicitation was given by Leena D. Nair (15th ward member) and Smithamol (1st ward member). Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Manoj P Samuel, Principal Scientist& Head, Engg. Division, ICAR-CIFT, Kochi. After inaugural function an agricultural seminar was conducted. In this seminar Dr. Manoj P Samuel delivered a lecture about “Soil and water conservation strategies” and Mr. Anas K.K delivered a lecture about “Fish processing Technologies”.

‘Mera Gaon, Mera Gaurav’ Programme in Cherai Village, Vypeen, Ernakulam District

As a part of “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav” programme of ICAR-CIFT, a training programme was arranged on ‘Preparation of fish cutlets, fish fingers and fish balls from the meat of low value fish’ for the benefit of 50  women participants at Cherai village, Vypeen, Ernakulam District on 9th August, 2017. The programme was arranged in Matsyathozhilali Sahakarana Sangham Hall, Vypeen. The participants included ladies from catering units of 12 Self Help Groups from Cherai, Malippuram, Kedamangalam, Valappu, Pallippuram, Njarakkal and Munambam. The programme was coordinated by Shri George and Smt. Daisy, Matsyafed officials and Shri Shaji, Sangham President. Participants have agreed to take up the technology from ICAR-CIFT, Cochin to disseminate in their respective catering units. The participants showed great enthusiasm in learning the technology and expressed full satisfaction over the technologies. The group members from ICAR- CIFT were Dr. Suseela Mathew, Principal Scientist and Head B&N Division, Dr. V.R. Madhu, Senior Scientist, Smt. K.B Beena, Asst. Chief Technical Officer, Shri  T. Mathai, Technical Officer, Smt. N. Lehka, Senior Tech. Asst. Shri K.A. Noby Varghese, Shri. K.D. Santhosh, Shri Sunil, Tech. Assts. As it was a demonstration cum training programme on the utilization of low value fish for the production of high value items, the programme was well appreciated by everyone who participated.







Maravanthuruth, Ernakulam

The ‘Mera Gaon, Mera Gaurav’ scheme is a programme conceptualized by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) for scientists to “select villages as per their convenience and remain in touch with the selected villages and provide information to the farmers on technical and other related aspects in a time frame through personal visits or on telephone”. The scope of the project being implemented at ICAR-CIFT, Kochi was further extended by including Maravanthuruthu village in Ernakulam. A progranmme was organized on 11 July, 2017 at the Panchayath Samskarika Nilayam, Maravanthuruthu. Dr. C.N. Ravishankar, Director, ICAR-CIFT and Shri Harikuttan, Presiden, Maravanthuruthu Panchayath were the guests of the inaugural session. Smt. Rachael Sophia, Agricultural Officer, Maravanthuruthu welcomed the gathering. Dr. Nikita Gopal, Principal Scientist & Coordinator, MGMG gave a brief introduction about MGMG programme. Shri Harikuttan delivered the presidential address. Dr. C.N. Ravishankar inaugurated the programme. Felicitations were offered by  Leena D. Nair, Member, Ward 15 and Smt. Smithamol, Member, Ward 1. Dr. Manoj P Samuel, Principal Scientist & Head, Engg. Division proposed vote thanks. In the seminar which followed Dr. Manoj P. Samuel delivered a lecture on “Soil and water conservation strategies” while Shri K.K. Anas, Scientist talked on  “Fish processing technologies”.

Visakhapatnam Research Centre

Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav : Mangamaripeta

ICAR-CIFT has a tradition adopting the fishing villages especially of hinterlands where economically under-privileged fishers reside in more numbers with food and nutritional security as the need of the hour. Remote fishing villages adjoining Hirakud Reservoir were adopted. Once a village/fishing hamlet was identified for adoption, first step in the direction was to assess the socio-economic condition. The total population, male female ratio, literacy rate, basic amenities such as potable water, school facility, medical facility, electric power etc. were assessed. This is followed by the sources of income from fishing related activities that included varieties of fish available, type of fish sold in different seasons, marketing structure etc. It is observed that women fishers play important role in different ways in the form of assisting in gear fabrication, mending of fishing nets in leisure time, besides involving in procurement of fish from landing centres to sale of fish and fishery products. The other sources of income, awareness and technological needs of the fishers were identified before taking up any transfer of technology.

As of now a new mandate has been extended to nearly 6,000 scientists functioning at the various centres and institutes of the Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) and over 15,000 scientists working with state agricultural universities under a programme Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (MGMG) launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji at Patna on 25 July, 2015. The fishing village Mangamaripeta formally not been adopted few months back albeit, the report furnished below indicates how ICAR-CIFT reacts to the needs of fishers on quotidian basis.

ICAT-CIFT conducts one day Training and Skill Development in Post harvest Fisheries

 ICAR-CIFT Visakhapatnam Research Centre conducted one day Training and Skill Development in Post harvest Fisheries for the benefit of women fishers of Mangamaripeta on 16 July, 2015. The programme was organized in collaboration with an NGO, OXFARM. Dr. M.M. Prasad, Principal Scientist of the Centre presided over the function and said while addressing the trainees that the fish harvested from unhygienic sources and the one that are not handled in hygienic conditions after harvest not only spoil due to bacterial growth and other biochemical reactions but also are harbingers for health hazard for the consumers in the form of pathogenic bacteria. The consumption of the same and subsequent ill health will seriously affect livelihood till proper recovery especially among rural poor. He added that fish harvested from cleaner environments and with better postharvest handling will have better quality, shelf life and also fetch better price. The talk was followed by demonstration on hygienic handling of post harvest fish and salt curing of the same. The programme benefited 60 women fishers. Shri G. Bhushanam, Technician provided assistance in the programme.

Veraval Research Centre

 Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (My Village My Pride) programme is launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 25 July, 2015 on the 87th Foundation Day of the ICAR and KVK Conference at Patna. This programme is framed for sensitizing agricultural scientists to identify their own villages or any nearby villages and provide farm advice to farmers on voluntary basis.

Uunder this programme, Veraval Research Centre of ICAR-CIFT has selected five villages in Gir Somntah district. A team comprising of six scientists were formed at the Centre for popularizing the research activities and recent technologies developed by ICAR-CIFT. As part of the data collection and initial survey, the team visited government offices, district governing offices, Gir Somnath,  Krishi Vigyan Kedra of ICAR, Kodinar, Village offices, Fishermen  Society office etc. The selected villages are: Jaleshwar of Patan-Veraval, Seruva, Madhupur- Jambur, Muldwaraka and Dhamlej.

Map showing selected villages for Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav programme

Based on the outcome of the initial meeting with various officials, initial interactive village meeting were conducted at selected villages for mapping the problems and prioritizing the activity under this programme as detailed below:

Jaleshwar, Patan-Veraval: Jaleshwar is a fishing village in Patan-Veraval. Nearly 50 fishermen settlements are there in the village. Fishing is mainly done using gillnets. The beach is sandy as well as rocky. The rocky patches have lot of potential for trap fisheries. ICAR-CIFT is planning to popularize energy efficient and responsible fishing practises and awareness on hygienic handling of fishes in the village.

Seruva  and Madhupur- Jambur: Seruva and Jambur, are nearby villages in Talala taluka of Gir Somnath district.  These villagers mainly involved in agriculture activities and deep in the Gir forest are home to a community called ‘Sihis’. Sidis are the Africans of India. Descendants of African slaves who were brought to India as special servants in the courts of Muslim Nawabs and Sultans. The Sidis of Jambur are supposed to have originally come from Kano in Nigeria. These Villages are located 30 km away from Research Centre. Agriculture and related activities are more prevalent but Sidi tribes are also associated with the fishing and related activity. Recently Sidi tribes of Talala Naka, Veraval received technological assistance for preparation of various fishery products from ICAR-CIFT. Under Mera Gaon Mera Gourav programme also the Centre is planning to provide technical support by providing hygienic handling of fishes and dry fish making.

Muldwaraka  and Dhamlej: These villages are situated south of Kodinar  in between Diu and Veraval, both belonging to Kodinar taluka of Gir Somnath district. The villages are 55 and 45km respectively  away from ICAR-CIFT. In the initial meeting villagers asked for the equipments and methodology for keeping the catch fresh for long time. The Centre is planning various training programme on fish harvest and post harvest techniques in these villages.

Thakazhi, Alappuzha

Mera Gaon, Mera Gaurav Programme at Thakazhi, Alappuzha District, Kerala

On 11th May, 2016, on the National Technology Day, a training programme on ‘Preparation of fish cutlets, fish fingers and fish balls from the meat of low value fish’ was arranged for the benefit of 30 participants at Thakazhi, Alappuzha ditrict, Kerala as a part of “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav” programme. The participants included ladies from ‘Kudumbasree’, (SHG), Panchayath officials, officials from Krishi Bhavan and local villagers. Panchayath officials have agreed to take up the technology from ICAR-CIFT, Cochin to disseminate in Kudumbasree units. The participants showed great enthusiasm in learning the technology and expressed their willingness to take up the technology at Kudumbasree units. The group members of ICAR-CIFT were Dr. Suseela Mathew, Principal Scientist and Head, Biochemistry & Nutrition Division, Smt. Hanjabam Mandakini Devi, Scientist, Smt. K.B Beena, Asst. Chief Technical Officer, Shri K.A. Noby Varghese, Senior Technical Assistant, Shri V.T. Sadanandan, Technical Assistant, Shri K D Santhosh, Technical Assistant and  Shri C. Mohanan, Driver. As it was a demonstration cum training programme on the utilization of low value fish for the production of high value items, the programme was well appreciated by everyone who participated.


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