
Training Programme on Fabrication of Improved Fishing Gear



Verval Research Centre of ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology offered a three day Training programme on gear fabrication, net mending and repair during 28-31 July, 2017 to fisherman of Saurashtra region. The programme was funded by National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB), Hyderabad.  In the introductory session, Dr. Toms C. Joseph, Scientist in-charge of the Centre reminded the need of training programmes for improving the skill and efficiency of the fishermen and also added that such training programmes will help to introduce the recent technological advancement happening in the sector to the fisherman. Dr. KK. Prajith, Scientist and Course Director for the programme detailed the scope, objective, schedule and structure  of the training programme. Dr. A..K Jha, Scientist and Shri Vinay Kumar Vase, Scientist in-charge, Veraval RC of ICAR-CMFRI offered felicitations. Twenty five fishermen from various Fishermen Societies of Veraval participated in the Programme which consisted of sessions on responsible fishing techniques, basics of fishing gear fabrication, bycatch reduction devices, fabrication of improved gillnets, squre mesh codend fabrication etc. handled by experts.  Practical demonstrations were done by Shri H.V. Pungera and Shri J.B. Malmadi, Technical Officers. In the concluding ceremony held on 31 July, 2018 the Scientist In-charge of the Centre distributed certificates to the participants.



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