
ICAR-CIFT organized awareness programme on protection of fishing nets from Dolphins attack using acoustic pingers



For protecting different types of net viz. Ring seine, Purse seine, Trawl etc. from Dolphin attack ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin,conducted a one day awareness workshop on “Protection of Fishing Nets from Dolphins Attack Using Acoustic Pingers” at ChellanamFishing Village on 21.12.16.

The programme was officially inaugurated with presidential address by Dr. C. N. Ravishankar, Director, CIFT, Cochin, followed by welcome address by Dr. Leela Edwin, HOD, Fishing Technology Division, CIFT Cochin. Pinger is acoustic instrument exclusively built to deter Dolphins approaching fishing nets and creating huge damages to nets and loss of catch. Pinger is designed to works by emitting a sound wave signal beyond 70 KHz that is known to be in the best hearing range of most Dolphin species. The signal acts as an alarm, and in some cases the Pinger stimulates Dolphins to use their echolocation which alerts them to the presence of the Pingers and fishing nets. Though this sound wave is not audible to human being but it create disturbance to Dolphins and results in checking approach of Dolphins near to fishing net. The Dolphin Pingers use a replaceable non rechargeable Lithium Ion battery. The batteries in the Dolphin Pinger will last 12 months based on everyday use for 12 hours per day.


Mr. George C.D., Dist. Manager, Matsyafed, Ernakulam, was chief guest of the workshop. In this occasion Mr. Varghese A. M., Executive Member, Kerala Traditional Fishermen Union, shared his own success story of using pingers provided by CIFT for experimental purpose and according to his opinion results are very encouraging.Smt. Shincy S., Project Officer Matsyafed Cluster No.-I, Daisy Benny, Deputy Manager, Matsyafed, and Anthonys R., President, ChellanamKandakodavu Fishermen Development Welfare Co-operative Society, also expressed their views.

Nearly fifty fishermen of Chellanam fishing village actively participated in the programme and expressed their views and suggestions. The workshop concluded with a vote of thanks by  Dr. M. P. Remesan, Principal Scientist, Fishing Technology Division, CIFT, Cochin, followed by video presentation on ring seine fishing and use of acoustic pingersand live demonstration about operational details.



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