
Awarenes Workshop on Lobster Traps





For promoting and supporting the sustainable small scale fisheries, especially the  spiny Lobster fisheries in Mandvi region of Gujarat state, WWF in association with ICAR-CIFT has conducted a one day awareness workshop on Lobster traps and benefits of trap fishing on 10th November, 2016 at Vevekand Research and Training Institute,  Mandvi, Kutch district of Gujarat.

The programme was officially inaugurated by Shri Haji Yakubbhai  Patel, President, Mandvi Fishermen Society. Dr. K.K. Prajith, Scientist of the  Veraval Research Centre of ICAR-CIFT gave  a talk on “Lobster traps: Design and operation strategies for resource conservation”. He explained the use and benefits of lobster trap designed and popularized by ICAR-CIFT in Southern coast of India. He also stressed about the need of using energy efficient and eco-friendly fishing gear for resource conservation and sustainable harvest. Fishermen asked for demonstration field trails with ICAR-CIFT lobster traps at various fishing grounds. During the function,  a leaflet on “Trap fishing for resource conservation and energy efficient fishing” was alo distributed to the fishermen.

Dr. D. Divu, Scientist, Veraval Regional Centre of ICAR-CMFRI delivered a talk on “Sustainable lobster fishery management and culture aspects”. Shri B. Vishnu, Fisheries Officer, Bhuj, Govt. of Gujarat spoke on “Lobster fishery along Gujarat coast”. Shri V.K Ghoel, WWF- India made a presentation on “Scope of  eco labeling/ MSC certification of lobster fishery”. Twelve  fishermen of Mandvi actively participated in the programme and expressed their views and suggestions for the implementation of the new fishing technology . The programme concluded with a vote of thanks by  Shri V.K Ghoel, WWF- India.




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